Addiction Treatment Center
Provides counseling, behavioral therapy, medication, case management, and other types of services to persons with substance use disorders. This provider type is used for addiction treatment centers where onsite vaccination services are provided.

Birthing Hospital or Birthing Center
This provider type is used for birthing centers or birthing hospitals where on-site vaccination services are provided.

Community Health Center
Community-based and patient-directed organizations that serve populations with limited access to health care. This provider type is used for community health centers that provide vaccination services.

Community Vaccinator (non-health department)
This provider type is used for community-wide vaccinators that are external to health departments and conduct vaccination clinics in satellite, temporary, or offsite locations exclusively.

Correctional Facility
This provider type is used for juvenile correctional facilities as well as adult correctional facilities where juveniles are confined and on-site vaccination services are provided. Unlike juvenile detention centers, correctional facilities are longterm in nature; youths are confined in secure correctional facilities for periods generally ranging from a few months to a year or more.

Family Planning Clinic (non-health department)
Provides contraceptive services for clients who want to prevent pregnancy and space births, pregnancy testing and counseling, assistance to achieve pregnancy, basic infertility services, STD services (including HIV/AIDS), and other preconception health services (e.g., screening for obesity, smoking, and/or mental health). This provider type is used for family planning clinics where vaccination services are provided. NOTE: Non-health department clinics that offer only STD/HIV screening and treatment services should be categorized as “STD/HIV Clinic (non-health department).”

Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC)
Community-based health care provider that receive funds from the HRSA Health Center Program to provide primary care services in underserved areas. This provider type is used for federally qualified health centers (FQHCs) that provide vaccination services. NOTE: For tribal or urban Indian health clinics enrolled as FQHCs, use the “Indian Health Service, Tribal, or Urban Clinic” designation

This provider type is used for all hospitals, excluding birthing hospitals, where on-site vaccination services are provided. NOTE: For birthing hospitals, use the “Birthing Hospital or Birthing Center” designation.

Indian Health Service, Tribal, or Urban Clinic
This provider type is used to for Indian Health Service (IHS), Tribal, or Urban Indian Health Program facilities that provide vaccination services. Urban Indian Health Centers are also designated Federally Qualified Health Centers and provide comprehensive primary care and related services to American Indians and Alaska Natives. Alaska Village Clinics should be included in this provider type.

Juvenile Detention Center
Juvenile detention is defined as the temporary and safe custody of juveniles who are accused of conduct subject to the jurisdiction of the court who require a restricted environment for their own or the community’s protection while pending legal action. This provider type is used for juvenile detention centers where on-site vaccination services are provided.

Migrant Health Center
Provides health services to migratory and seasonal agricultural workers and their families. This provider type is used for migrant health centers that provide vaccination services.

Mobile Provider
This provider type is used for providers who exclusively store and administer vaccines out of a mobile facility. This designation should NOT be used for providers who have a mobile unit associated with their facility, but the unit is not the primary site for vaccine administration.

This provider type is used for stand-alone retail pharmacies (e.g., CVS, Duane Reade, Walgreens) or a retail pharmacy within a hospital or health system where on-site vaccination services are provided. This category also includes retail pharmacies that conduct community vaccination clinics at offsite or mobile locations.

Private Practice (e.g., family practice, pediatric, primary care)
This provider type is used for private practice locations, including solo, group, or HMO practitioners, that provide vaccination services.

Private Practice (e.g., family practice, pediatric, primary care) as agent for FQHC/RHC-deputized
A deputized provider has been delegated by a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) or a Rural Health Clinic (RHC) as an agent to vaccinate underinsured children. This provider type is used for deputized private practices, including solo, group, or HMO practitioners, that provide vaccination services.

Public Health Department Clinic (state/local)
This provider type is used for state or local public health department clinics that provide vaccination services. This category includes public health department-run STD/HIV clinics, family planning clinics, and teen health centers.

Public Health Department Clinic (state/local) as agent for FQHC/RHC-deputized
A deputized provider has been delegated by a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) or a Rural Health Clinic (RHC) as an agent to vaccinate underinsured children. This provider type is used for deputized state or local public health department clinics that provide vaccination services.

Refugee Health Clinic
Designated to improve the health care and monitor medical conditions of refugees who have relocated to the United States. This provider type is used for refugee health clinics that provide vaccination services. NOTE: If vaccination services are provided in a location that is co-located in a physical facility with a refugee health clinic but are not administered by refugee health staff, select the category of the provider with oversight of vaccination services.

Rural Health Clinic (RHC)
Located in a non-urbanized Health Professional Shortage Area, Medically Underserved Area, or governordesignated and secretary-certified shortage area. This provider type is used for rural health clinics that provide vaccination services.

School-Based Clinic (permanent clinic location)
This provider type is used to for permanent school-based clinics that provide vaccination services. NOTE: Nonpermanent school-based clinics should be categorized as “Community Vaccinator (non-health department).”

STD/HIV Clinic (non-health department)
Provides timely STD/HIV diagnosis, testing with on-site treatment, and partner services. This provider type is used for STD/HIV clinics NOT located within a health department where on-site vaccination services are provided. NOTE: this category should be used by non-HD clinics that exclusively offer STD/HIV screening and treatment services.

Teen Health Center (non-health department)
This provider type is used for teen health centers that are NOT public health department-sponsored and provide on-site vaccination services.

Urgent Care Center
Provides immediate medical outpatient care for the treatment of acute and chronic illness and injury. This provider type should be used for urgent care centers or walk-in clinics where on-site vaccination services are provided.

Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Clinic
Serves low-income pregnant, postpartum, and breastfeeding women, infants, and children up to age 5 who are at nutritional risk by providing nutritious foods to supplement diets, information on healthy eating including breastfeeding promotion and support, and referrals to health care. This provider type is used for WIC clinics that also provide vaccination services. NOTE: If vaccination services are provided in a location that is co-located in a physical facility with a WIC clinic but are not administered by WIC staff, select the category of the provider with oversight of vaccination services.

This provider type is used for any provider type not captured in one of the other provider type options (e.g., CVS Minute Clinic or Walgreens Take-Care Clinic).