Reconstitute Vaccine Screen


Reconstitution of vaccine is a very specialized workflow for those vaccines that are originally in powder form and must be mixed with a liquid prior to administration to a patient. For example, the smallpox vaccine Dryvax must be reconstituted before administering a dose. The Reconstitute Vaccine screen creates a new lot for the doses which were mixed with the diluent. The system also deducts the doses from the original dry lot.

 Reconstitute Vaccine

To reconstitute vaccine, follow these steps:

  1. Click on 'manage inventory' in the left-hand panel of menu items.

  2. Click the Show Inventory button to see all the lots stored at one of your sites. From the list of lots, find the Dryvax lot you want to reconstitute.

  3. On the Edit Inventory screen, verify that the lot you chose is Reconstituted: No. This confirms that the lot is in dry form. Click the Reconstitute button.

  4. On the Reconstitute Vaccine Screen, type in the date of reconstitution, the expiration date, and the number of doses you want to reconstitute. Click the Save button.

  5. The system takes you back to the Edit Inventory Screen for the original dry lot. It has created a new lot for your reconstituted doses. The system has also deducted the reconstituted doses from your original dry lot.

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 Information Provided

The following table shows the input fields on the screen:

Field Name


Reconstitution Date

The date when the dry form of the vaccine was mixed with the diluent. The default is today's date.

New Expiration Date

The expiration date for the reconstituted doses. Typically, the expiration date for reconstituted doses will differ from the expiration date of the dry form of the vaccine.

Note: The default is 90 days from the date of reconstitution or the expiration date of the original lot, whichever is earlier.

Doses Reconstituted

The number of doses which were mixed with diluent to form the new reconstituted lot.

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The following table describes the buttons available on the Reconstitute Vaccine screen.



When you click on the Save button, the system creates a new lot for the reconstituted doses. The system also deducts this quantity from the original dry lot.

The Cancel button takes you to the Edit Inventory screen for the original dry lot.

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