Benchmark Report Results |
Purpose |
Functionality |
Report Status
This section will display the status of the most recent count and list report. If a report is 'DONE', the report type name will be a hyperlink.
Export Options
The Export section allows the user to select how to output the report. Choosing Export as Text will display the results in a tab-delimited list. Choosing Export as a Spreadsheet will display the results in MS Excel.
Choosing Display as a PDF will display the results in PDF format, and you can then use the PDF toolbar to print the report. Note: if you press the Back button, you may receive a "Page has Expired" message. As instructed on the screen, you can press your "Refresh" button then click on "Retry" to return to the Report Status screen.
Large Reports
There is no limit to the size of the report when you choose Export as Text. Export as a Spreadsheet has a limit of 65,535 lines, and an informational message "file not loaded completely" will be displayed to indicate that part of the report was truncated. Display as a PDF has a limit of about 5,000 lines (119 pages); if you click on the Display as a PDF link and the report is larger, a red Error Report banner will be displayed.
Report Information
The Report Information section identifies when the report was run, by whom, and for which organization.
Report Filters
The Report Filters section identifies for which organization the report was run by, what patient filter was used, the patient age range, the evaluation date for the report, the benchmark age, and the selected benchmarks.
Benchmark List Results
The Benchmark List Results displays the report output in a summary table. This screen will appear different based upon the benchmark you are running. For example, the columns on the right displaying the vaccines will not always be the same. Your benchmark may include one vaccine or another different combination. By default, 250 rows are visible at a time. If you have more than 250 patients listed, click on the 'Next 250 >>' link.
Note: Only patients not up to date for at least one vaccine benchmark will display in the list if the clients who did NOT meet the benchmark option is chosen.