Cold Storage Log Screen


The cold storage log screen is for the purpose of maintaining a record of cold storage temperatures for an organization.  To navigate to this screen select record cold storage from the menu panel.

 Information Provided

The cold storage log screen will display 7 days worth of records for a single cold storage unit.  The screen is split into two sections, the Information Displayed and the Log itself.

Information Displayed:

Unit: Which cold storage units records are currently displayed.  *Note*

Date: The records for the date indicated and six days prior will be displayed.  *Note*


The log contains the following information:

Field Name



The date of the record, with a drop down list to indicate the actual time the record was recorded.  Each date is split into an AM and PM record, however, both AM and PM times can be entered into any drop down list.

 Office Closed

Checkbox indicating the office was closed.

Acceptable Temperature Range

Fields for recording the actual temperatures.  

In Range: Drop down list including the acceptable temperatures, as well as an "Out of Range" string indicating the temperature to be input fell outside the acceptable range of temperatures.

Out of Range: Text box to input a temperature were it to have fallen outside the acceptable temperature range.  Only numeric values (no decimals) are allowed.

 Reported By

The Reported By column will indicate who had entered the most recent record for this time slot.

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Indicate within the Unit and Date fields at the top of the screen which records you would like to view and update.  Click View.

Note: The date range for records displayed, will be that of the date within the date field and six days prior.

Note: It is important to make sure you click View, otherwise you may alter the records of the wrong cold storage unit.

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Once you have the intended records displayed (see Selecting the Records to View) input the temperatures as they were observed.

  1. If the office was closed check the office closed checkbox AND DO NOT input any other information.  You will not be able to record a time in this case.

  2. If the office was not closed input the temperature observed:

  1. Click Save when you're complete.  You should see your name update to the reported by field for all the records you updated.

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  1. If you have input records that are not formatted correctly, upon saving instructions will guide you through what needs to be corrected for the records considered as being invalid.  

  2. If you enter a record in the wrong time slot or day by mistake, simply "blank" all of the fields and click Save.

  3. *Important* If you have entered an "Out of Range" temperature, upon saving instructions will display at the top of the screen.  Make sure to follow the instructions that display at the top of the screen once you've saved.

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When selecting to view another cold storage unit's records or when changing the date, make sure to click View after having made your selection, as to avoid editing the wrong records.

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