Create/Edit Inventory Count


The purpose of the Create/Edit Inventory Count screen is to be able to create or edit an inventory count.  This screen can be navigated to from the inventory count listing screen.  The screen is split into two sections, the Inventory Count section and State Supplied Vaccine section.

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 Inventory Count Section

Select Print Screen to render the inventory count  as a printable .pdf.   If the inventory count was not saved, the physical count field will be blank to allow the  printed report to be used as a worksheet when gathering counts.    If the inventory count is saved, the report will include the physical counts entered.     *Note*

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Select Save to save the inventory count report and "Inventory count successfully saved" will display at the top of the screen.  This will not submit the report.  To return to the report at a later time or date select the report from the inventory count listing screen.

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Select Save & Submit to save and submit the report and "Inventory count successfully saved and submitted" will display at the top of the screen.  A report cannot be edited once it has been submitted.  to return to a previously submitted report, do so from the inventory count listing screen.

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Select  Return to List to return to the inventory count listing screen.  This will not save the report.

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Your organizations VFC Pin number and organization name will be listed as: Inventory Reconciliation for: <VFC Pin> <Organization>.

The date for the inventory count will be listed as: Inventory Count on: <MM/DD/YYYY>.

The date of which you submit your last inventory count report will be listed as: Last Inventory Count was on: <date>.   You may only have one inventory count saved for your organization per date.  

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 State Supplied Vaccine Section

Field Name



Vaccine of vaccine lot.  Read only.

Trade Name

Trade Name of vaccine lot.  Read only.


Manufacturer of vaccine lot.  Read only.


Packaging description.  Read only.

NDC Number

NDC Number for vaccine lot.  Read only.

Lot Number

Lot Number for vaccine lot.  Read only.

Exp Date

Expiration Date of vaccine lot in MM/DD/YYYY format.  Read only.

Doses Given Since Last Count

The number of doses that had been administered and were deducted from IRIS inventory since the previous inventory count.  This count includes Anonymous Dose transactions entered after the previous inventory count.   Read only.

IRIS Inventory Doses on Hand

The number of doses listed as currently within the IRIS.   This field is calculated based on the inventory transactions entered in IRIS  for the lot.   Read only.

Physical Count

The physical count of the number of doses of hand for the vaccine lot.  Must be numeric whole number.
  1. Vaccine lots must  meet the following criteria to be included on the report:

  2. Vaccine lots that will expire within the inventory alert setting (90 days) are highlighted in fuchsia.

  3. Vaccine lots that are expired and/or are marked as Inactive are displayed in red font.      To view inactive or expired lots, select manage inventory from the left menu and click show inventory.     In the Show Radio buttons select Inactive to view inactive non expired lots.   Select  Expired radio button to view inactive expired lots.  

Reminder: Inactive lots are not displayed in the Record Immunization Trade Name-Lot drop down list when entered immunizations administered from inventory.  To change an non-expired inactive lot to active, click on the trade name hyperlink on the Show Inventory list.    On the Edit Vaccine Lot screen,  change the Lot Active field from No to Yes.

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  1. Input the physical counts as whole numbers.  Decimal values are not allowed.  

  2. Physical Count fields left blank will be saved as 0.  

  3. If the report is complete and ready for submission, click Save & Submit and "Inventory count successfully saved and submitted" will display at the top of the screen.  If the report is not yet complete, select Save and "Inventory count successfully saved" will display at the top of the screen.  To return to either a saved or saved & submitted report, do so from the inventory count listing screen.

You are allowed to Save the inventory count in an Open status.    An inventory count in Open status can still be edited and does not satisfy the  supporting documentation requirement for ordering public vaccine.     However if you select Save and Submit, the inventory  count will be saved in Submitted status. and will satisfy the vaccine order supporting documentation requirement. You will no longer be able to modify the inventory count  and must contact the IRIS Help Desk if a change is needed.

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