Show Transaction Report Request


The Show Transactions Report Request screen is used to display reports that show vaccine lot records for all quantity-changing events that occur within a provider organization's inventory.

 Information Provided

The information provided contains the information on how to run the transaction report and the results that are displayed, as well as how to properly read them. Read below to learn about running an inventory transaction report.

     You will be able to access the report by clicking on the hyperlink in the Report Name column on the Show Transaction Output Status.   

 EXCEL Report:

If the Report The report is an Excel, the report will consist of two spreadsheets on separate tabs:  Show Transactions and Show Transactions 2.  All the transactions conforming to the selection criteria given will be displayed in a Show Transactions spreadsheet, as described below:

Field Name


Organization Name

This field displays the organization where the transaction took place.

Transaction Date

This field displays the date when the transaction took place.


This field displays the vaccine name listed in the transaction.

Trade Name

This field displays the trade name of the vaccine listed in the transaction.

Lot Number

This field displays the lot number of the vaccine listed in the transaction.

Funding Source

This field displays the funding source of the vaccine listed in the transaction.


This field displays the quantity added or subtracted for the listed transaction.

Transaction Reason

This field displays the reason the transaction that took place.

Vaccination Date

This field, when applicable,  displays the date when a patient was vaccinated.  This field is filled in if Transaction Reason is Immunizations Given.

Patient Name

This field, when applicable,  displays the name of the patient who was vaccinated.  This field is filled in if Transaction Reason is Immunizations Given.

Patient DOB

This field, when applicable, displays the patient's date of birth.  This field is filled in if Transaction Reason is Immunizations Given.

Manage Inventory Explanation

This field, when applicable, displays the data the user entered into the Explanation field in the Manage Inventory module.


This field, when applicable, displays the data the user entered into the Detail field.

Wastage and Return Provider Comment

This field, when applicable, displays the data the provider user entered into the Provider-Level User Comments field in the Wastage and Return module.

Wastage and Return State Comment

This field, when applicable, displays the data the state-level user entered into the State-Level User Comments field in the Wastage and Return module.

Date Entered into IRIS

This field displays the date when the transaction was entered into IRIS.

User Name

This field displays the name of the user who entered the transaction into IRIS.

Transaction ID

This field displays the transaction ID.

The "Show Transactions 2" spreadsheet displays the report filter criteria and lists the number of records displayed in the Show Transactions spreadsheet.

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PDF Report:

If the Report type is PDF, all the transactions conforming to the selection criteria given will be displayed in a Show Transactions Report as described below.  

A section outlining the report request criteria will display at the top of the report.

Found underneath the report criteria  will be a  table titled "Vaccine Transactions Totals". This table provides the user with a quick aggregate summary for each type of transaction incurred within the selected inventory, given the transaction criteria.   Each transaction type will either add to or subtract from the total dose quantity from inventory as shown below.  Transaction totals will be broken down by 'Trans Counts' and 'Trans Values', where the count equals the number of transactions through the system, and the value is the count of added or subtracted transactions per transaction.    

Note:  ERR Error Correction was replaced by the ERRA Error Correction (Add) and ERRS Error Correction (Subtract) as of August 2016.

Vaccine Transactions Totals

Transaction Code

Transaction Description

Transaction Count

Transaction Value


Receipt of Inventory



OptOut Imms

Doses Given to Anonymous Patients




Immunizations Given




Immunizations Deleted




Doses Transferred




Doses Wasted




Doses Restocked




Doses Returned to Distributor




Error Correction (Add)




Error Correction (Subtract)



ERR    *historical

Error Correction




Doses Reconstituted




Transaction Totals:



All the transactions conforming to the selection criteria given will be displayed in a table along with other relevant information. The information contained in the table is described below:

Field Name


Organization Name

This field displays the site where the transaction took place.


This field displays the date that the transaction took place.

Lot \ Trade Name

This field displays the trade name along with the lot number for the transaction that took place.


This field displays the inventory transaction reason.


This field displays the quantity added or subtracted for the listed transaction.

Patient Name

This field, when applicable, displays the patient who received the vaccine for a transaction in the event a transaction was an immunization.


This field, when applicable, displays the patients date of birth who received the vaccine for a transaction in the event a transaction was an immunization.

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Clicking on the Return to Enter Transaction Criteria button will take you to the Show Transactions screen.

Clicking on the Refresh button will refresh the Show Transaction Report Request screen.

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