Manage Physicians Screen


The manage physicians screen is used to enter new and update existing physicians listed within your provider organization. Any physician entered on this screen will be available for selection when assigning a physician as a primary care provider to a particular patient within your organization using the Edit Patient screen. Only users with the Administrator role can access the manage physicians screen.

 Required Fields

Field Name


Physician Last Name

This is the last name of the physician that will be displayed for selection when editing a client.

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  1. Select a physician from the 'Select a Physician to edit' pick list. Or click the hyperlink for the desired physician from the 'Physician Listing' below.

  2. The selected physician record is displayed.

  3. Make any desired updates and/or changes to any of the information fields.

  4. Click the Save button.

Back to Functionality List

  1. Click the Add Physician button.

  2. Type in the last name of the physician being entered. This is required.

  3. Enter any other information available for the physician.

  4. Click the Save button.

Back to Functionality List

  1. Select a physician to delete from the 'Select a Physician to edit' pick list. Or click the hyperlink for the desired physician from the 'Physician Listing' below.

  2. Click the Delete button.

  3. Click the Ok button to confirm, or the Cancel button to stop the operation.

Back to Functionality List

  1. Click the List All button.

  2. The main manage physicians screen will appear with the 'Physician Listing' of all physicians entered into the system for your provider organization.

  3. Click on a physician hyperlink to view that physician's information.

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