Edit My User Account |
Purpose |
Use the Edit My User Account screen to change any of the information settings for your account.
Information Provided |
Field Name |
Description |
User First Name |
Required. Free-text field. 20 character maximum length. |
User Last Name |
Required. Free-text field. 30 character maximum length. |
User Middle Initial |
Free-text field. 1 character maximum length. |
Street Address |
Free-text field. 55 character maximum length. |
Other Address |
Free-text field. 55 character maximum length. |
P.O. Box |
Free-text field. 55 character maximum length. |
City |
Free-text field. 52 character maximum length. |
State |
State code. Default to 'ID.' |
5 digits or null required. +4 digits or null optional. |
Required. Free-text field. 80 character maximum length. Email address mush be unique to that user. If an email entered matches another user, the following error will display: The email address is already in use for another user. Please enter a unique email address. Email address is optional to login but is required for Forgot Password/ (password reset) requests to function. |
Phone Number |
Area Code: 3 digits. Prefix: 3 digits. Suffix: 4 digits. All 10 digits or null required. |
Extension |
Free-text field. 7 character maximum length. |
Functionality |
Button |
Description |
When the Save button is clicked, all changes made to the information fields above will be saved. You will be taken to the portal Select Organization page that will list the organizations you are authorized to access. Click on the name of an organization to login to IRIS. |
When the Cancel button is clicked, a confirmation message box will appear asking if you wish to continue with your changes not being saved. Clicking OK on the message box will take you back to the portal Select Organization page; pressing Cancel will keep you on the screen without discarding changes. |