Inventory Count Listing


The purpose of the Inventory Count Listing screen is to display the Inventory Count reports on file and within a given date range.  This screen can be reached by selecting inventory count from the menu panel.

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 Information Provided

The following information and fields can be found on the inventory count listing screen, within the table.

Field Name


From/To Date

Date range to display the inventory count reports on file for.

 Inventory Count

Date the specific inventory count report was created.

 Entered By

Who created the specific inventory count report.

 Last Update By

Who last updated the specific inventory count report.

 Last Updated On

The most recent date the specific inventory count report was edited.


The current status of the specific inventory count report:

  1. Open - Saved but not yet submitted.  Can still be edited.

  2. Submitted - Saved and submitted.  Cannot be edited.

You are allowed to save the inventory count in an Open status.    An inventory count in Open status can still be edited and does not satisfy the  supporting documentation requirement for ordering public vaccine.     However if you select Save and Submit, the inventory  count will be saved in Submitted status. and will satisfy the vaccine order supporting documentation requirement. You will no longer be able to modify the inventory count  and must contact the IRIS Help Desk if a change is needed.

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Select Enter New Count to start a new Inventory Count report.  You will be navigated to the Create/Edit Inventory Count screen.

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Indicate the date range in MM/DD/YYYY format to display the inventory count reports for.  Select Refresh List to display the inventory count reports on file and within the given date range.

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Select Refresh List to display the inventory count reports on file and within the given date range.

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Select the date associated to the specific inventory report you want to view or edit.  Date will be in the form of hyperlink, 01/30/2011.

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