Menu Panel/Status Bar


The Menu Panel exists for the purpose of navigation around the IRIS website. The Menu Panel is the blue colored, left-side column in the IRIS application which houses hyperlinks to every part of the website available to the current logged-in user. The Status Bar indicates information about the user currently logged into the system. The Status Bar is the yellow colored bar directly above the announcements section.

 Menu Selections

The Menu Panel selections are broken down into logical groups such as 'manage patient' or 'manage immunizations'. To navigate to a certain part of the IRIS website, click on the corresponding hyperlink to display the desired screen. Also included at the top of the Main screen are the following.

home - This hyperlink will redirect you back to the Main screen wherever you are in the application.

manage access/account - This hyperlink will take you back to the Portal page.

forms - This hyperlink will show you a list of forms available for download.

related links - This hyperlink will take you to the Related Links page, with links of interest to IRIS users.

logout - This hyperlink will exit the application, and return the user to the login screen.

Help Desk - At the top right hand corner of the menu panel, titled Help Desk, contains all information needed to contact the Help Desk staff for assistance: telephone number, email and hours of operation.

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 Status Bar Information

The Status Bar information is composed of three separate information headings.

organization - This displays the provider organization currently in use, and lets the user verify that he/she is logged into the correct organization.

user - This displays the full name of the person currently logged into the system.

role - This displays the user's role or level of security.

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