Main Screen


The Main screen is used to inform users of information relating to the system. Such events may include application changes/upgrades, system downtime, usability tips, system administrator notes, or relevant resources/events. The Main screen will almost always be the first screen displayed after a successful login. It is important to review the posting of any new announcements each time when logging in to the system.

 Version Identifier

  1. Upon successful login to the registry you will notice on the left hand side of your screen the registry displays the version. As an example it will display the text: "Production Build 6.9.0".

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  1. Click on the title hyperlink to display the announcement details.

Note: In the event that all of the announcements are not displayed, a hyperlink will appear below the existing announcements. Click on the hyperlink 'more announcements' to display a separate screen listing all of the announcements within the registry.

If there is an announcement you have not read, you will see the alert '' preceding the unread announcement. Once you have viewed an announcement, this indicator will disappear.

    1. A new screen, titled 'Idaho's Immunization Reminder Information System Announcements', will appear displaying the full description and the posted date.

    2. After reading the description, click on 'Return to Main Page' hyperlink to return to the Main screen.

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 Release Notes

  1. Click on the title hyperlink to display the release note details.

Note: In the event that all of the release notes are not displayed, a hyperlink will appear below the existing notes. Click on the hyperlink 'more release notes' to display a separate screen listing all of the release notes within the registry.

A new feature in this version is an unread release notes indicator. If there is a release note you have not read, you will see the alert '' preceding the unread note. Once you have viewed a release note, this indicator will disappear.

    1. A new screen, titled 'Idaho's Immunization Reminder Information System Release Note', will appear displaying the full details and the posted date.

    2. After reading the details, click on 'Return to Main Page' hyperlink to return to the Main screen.

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 Inventory Alerts

  1. Any user who has the ability to record an immunization for the organization will see the inventory alerts on the home page.

  2. The alerts will be displayed in four tables between the release notes and the Resources on the Web/Upcoming Events.

  3. The first table is for 'Vaccine Order/Transfer Notification', this displays any order's or transfer's waiting for you to receive. For order's you will want to click on manage orders in the menu panel to view new arrival orders. For transfer's you will want to click on manage transfers in the menu panel to view new arrival transfers.

  4. The second table is for 'Active Inventory that is Going to Expire or Expired Lots with a Quantity', this displays any inventory within the organization that is going to expire within the time period set in the update alert preferences screen. Additionally, it displays lots which have expired and which still have some number of doses in inventory.

  5. The third table is for 'Inventory that is Running Low by Vaccine Group', this displays any vaccine groups in inventory within the organization that are running low. The low inventory threshold can be set for each vaccine as described in the update alert preferences screen.

  6. The fourth table is for 'Inventory that is Running Low by Trade Name', this displays any trade names in inventory within the organization that are running low. The low inventory threshold can be set for each trade name as described in the update alert preferences screen.

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