Patient Reports Screen


The Patient Reports screen allows a user to print reports and forms for one specific patient. The user needs to search for and select the patient prior to accessing the Patient Reports screen.


The Patient Reports screen is accessible from either the Edit Patient screen or the Immunization History screen, and cannot be accessed directly from the Menu Panel/Status Bar. A patient must first be found using the Manage Patient/Immunizations screen. Then, from these either of these two screens, click the Reports button to access the Patient Reports screen.

At the top of the screen there is a patient information header displaying various relevant information, the same as in the Immunization History screen. This can be used to verify the patient being reported on.

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  1. To produce an Immunization History Report or Immunizations Needed report click on the appropriate hyperlink.

  2. To produce a Vaccine Administration Record, first choose the site whose inventory will show on the report by selecting a site from the 'Site' pick list. You may also choose either an English or Spanish language version of this report. Then click on the Vaccine Administration Record hyperlink.

  3. After the system generates the selected report, it will automatically be displayed using Adobe Reader.   *Note*

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Report Name


Vaccine Administration Record

The report will display the patient information, contact information, complete immunization history, as well as immunizations available for administration.

Immunization History Report

Displays patient information, healthcare provider information, as well as complete immunization history.

Immunizations Needed

Displays patient information, contact information, complete immunization history and vaccines recommended for the future.

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  1. To produce a Notice of Required Documentation Needed report, you must be logged in as a School/Childcare user.  Then, select a language and deadline date and click the Required Documenation Needed hyperlink to generate.  Only when the student status is Incomplete or No Record with the Idaho School Immunization rules, they you will be able to generate the Notice of Required Documentation Needed for the student.  Otherwise, you will see the message "This student is up to date on immunizations, or has a waiver on file".

  2. To produce a School Conditional Admission report, you must be logged in as a School user.  Then, select a language and click the Conditional Admission hyperlink to generate.  Only when the student status is Conditionally Admitted with the Idaho School Immunization rules, you will be able to generate the Conditional Admission report for the student.  

  3. To produce a Childcare Conditional Attendance report, you must be logged in as a Childcare user.  Then, select a language and click the Conditional Attendance hyperlink to generate.  Only when the student status is Conditionally Attending with the Idaho School Immunization rules, you will be able to generate the Conditional Attendance report for the student.  

  4. After the system generates the selected report, it will automatically be displayed using Adobe Reader.   *Note*

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Report Name


Notice of Required Documenation Needed Report

Notice to parent/guardian regarding noncompliance with Idaho's school/childcare immunization requirements.

School Conditional Admission Report

Conditional Admission Form for child eligible to conditionally attend School while in-process of receiving required immunizations.

Childcare Conditional Attendance Report

Conditional Attendance Form for child eligible to conditionally attend Childcare while in-process of receiving required immunizations.

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If your computer does not have Adobe Reader version 6.0 or greater installed on it, select the Forms link at the top of the screen or contact your administrator.

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