Manage Patient/Immunizations Screen |
Purpose |
The manage patient/immunizations screen is used to search and locate any patient in the system using predetermined sets of search criteria.
Functionality - Search Criteria |
The following is a list of available search methods. Click on the links below to learn about the specific methods used for searching.
Patient Name Search
In order to locate a patient in the system using his or her name, a certain portion of each of the patients Last Name and First Name must be entered into the respective information fields as described below. Middle Name can also be used but only along with last or first name or both.
Note: There are some patients in the system with no first name. To find these patients there are some unique search techniques to consider:
You can perform a search by entering the last name, entering "No First Name" in the first name field, and entering middle name, mother's maiden last name, mother's first name, birth date, or gender. This type of search will only include patients who match or extend the last name entered and do not have a first name.
You can perform a search by entering the last name, leaving the first name field blank, and entering one of the following: middle name, mother's maiden last name, mother's first name or gender. This type of search will only include patients who match or extend the last name entered and do not have a first name.
Field Name |
Requirements |
Last Name |
At a minimum the first three characters of the patients last name must be entered. The system will then search the entire database for possible matches employing the search information entered. A search can be executed using less than three characters for the Last Name. In this case, the system will search the database only for patients whose Last Name exactly matches the search information entered for Last Name. |
First Name |
At a minimum the first two characters of the patient's first name must be entered. |
Middle Name |
There is no minimum character entry for the middle name field. The middle name is only functional when used in conjunction with the patient's last or first name or both. |
Notes: |
Mother's Name Search
In order to locate a patient in the system using his or her Mother's Maiden Name, a certain portion of each of the Mother's Maiden Last name and Mother's First Name must be entered into the respective information fields as described below.
Field Name |
Requirements |
Mothers Maiden Last |
At a minimum, the first three characters of the Mother's Maiden Last name must be entered. |
Mothers First Name |
At a minimum, the first two characters of the Mother's First Name must be entered. |
Notes: |
Birth Date Search
In order to locate a patient in the system using his or her Birth Date, the criteria must be entered as described below.
Field Name |
Requirements |
Birth Date |
A valid date between 01/01/1880 and the current date, in the format MM/DD/YYYY, must be entered. |
Notes: |
Gender Search
The Gender Search can only be used in helping to locate a patient in the system when used in conjunction with one or more other set(s) of search criteria.
Field Name |
Requirements |
Gender |
Select one of the three options in the pick list Male, Female, or Unknown. |
Notes: |
If nothing is selected, the Gender Search will always default to 'N/A'. The search engine will then execute its search using any other search criteria entered, independent of any patients gender in the system. |
Phone Number Search
In order to locate a patient in the system using his or her Address Phone Number, the criteria must be entered as described below.
Field Name |
Requirements |
Phone Number |
A valid seven-digit Phone Number must be entered, broken down by the second and third information fields after Phone. |
Notes: |
Patient ID Search
In order to locate a patient in the system using his or her Patient ID, the criteria must be entered as described below.
Field Name |
Requirements |
Patient ID |
A valid Patient ID assigned by a specific provider organization must be entered. |
Notes: |
IRIS ID Search
In order to locate a patient in the system using his or her IRIS ID, the criteria must be entered as described below.
Field Name |
Requirements |
A valid IRIS ID assigned by IRIS must be entered. |
Notes: |
Search Results |
Button |
Description |
After the Find button is clicked and the patient search within the database is finished, one of three results will occur as described below. |
Exact Patient Match
An Exact Patient Match means the search engine returned only one patient. When this occurs, the Edit Patient Screen or the Immunization History screen is then displayed containing all of the relevant information regarding the patient found. An Exact Patient Match will usually occur when the search criteria entered contains information inherently specific to a particular patient.
List of Possible Matches
A List of Possible Matches means the search engine returned more than one, and less than or equal to 75, possible patient matches.
All possible patients matches returned are then displayed in a table. The patient list is sorted with patients associated with the organization first and then alphabetically by Last Name, First Name, and finally Birthdate. Other relevant information is also included in the table for each patient.
Using the information displayed for each of the patients in the table, an exact patient match can logically be selected by clicking on the patients Last Name. The Edit Patient screen or the Immunization History screen is then displayed containing all relevant information regarding the patient selected.
Threshold Limit
When the search engine is executing a search in the database, it begins to accumulate patients in memory who are to be considered as possible matches from the search criteria entered. If the number of patients exceeds 75 available matches, then no patients will be listed for further selection. Instead, the following message will display:
"XX patients were found. Please refine your search criteria to limit your patient list."
(Where XX is the total number of possible patients found in the search.)
This threshold limit occurs to restrict the extremely long lists of possible patients to choose from.
In the event a threshold limit is encountered while executing a patient search, the scope of the search must be narrowed. Revisit the search criteria that was previously used, and add any more information that is available for the patient. Be sure to observe the search criteria restrictions listed within the Find Patient Help Screen.