Ship Return Transfer Screen


The Ship Return Transfer screen is used, in the event you decide to reject a transfer sent to you, to finalize your transfer by return shipping it back to the original sending organization. Here you can review the information for your transfer, enter a date for return shipping, and then return ship the transfer.

 Information Provided

This section explains how to view the details of the transfer. Listed below is a description for all of the items that will be displayed.

    1. The section 'Transfer Between Organizations Created on (Date)' is displayed on the screen. This identifies the transfer by date. This is the same date you will see on the manage transfers screen for the transfer item.

    2. Here you will see the display items for the transfer for the sending entity and the receiving entity. The following information displayed is explained for each entity:

Field Name



This field displays the name of the sending organization.


This field displays the name of the site that the inventory is being transferred from in the sending organization.


This field displays the VFC PIN of the sending organization.


This field displays the address of the site within the sending organization.


This field displays the contact name for the site within the sending organization.

Phone #

This field displays the phone number for the contact person within the sending organization's site.

Ship Date

This field displays the shipping date for the transfer.

Field Name



This field displays the name of the receiving organization.


This field displays the name of the site that the inventory is being transferred to in the receiving organization. Note: By default this is the site within the organization that has the same name as the organization.


This field displays the VFC PIN of the receiving organization.


This field displays the address of the site within the receiving organization.


This field displays the contact name for the site within the receiving organization.

Phone #

This field displays the phone number for the contact person within the receiving organization's site.

Receive Date

This field displays the date that the transfer was received by the receiving organization.

    1. Further below you will see the 'Transfer Vaccine Item' table. This table contains the vaccine inventory information for the transfer. The following table describes the items contained:

 Field Name


Transfer Quantity

This field displays the number of doses for the lot that was shipped with the transfer.

Trade Name

This field displays the trade name for the lot that was shipped with the transfer.


This field displays the vaccine name for the lot that was shipped with the transfer.


This field displays the NDC number of the lot that was  shipped with the transfer.


This field displays the NDC Description of the lot that was shipped with the transfer.

Lot Number

This field displays the lot number for the lot that was shipped with the transfer.

Shipping Information

This field displays a hyperlink to a file that contains information about a vaccine order shipment.  Shipping Information is displayed only if the Transfer Type = Order.  

Reject Quantity

This field displays the number of doses in the rejected vaccine lot.

Reject Reason

This field displays the reason for rejecting a vaccine lot.

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Once you have viewed the detail items for the transfer you can now return ship the transfer back to the sending organization. Follow these steps to proceed with return shipping the transfer:

    1. At the top of the screen you must enter in the 'Enter Return Ship Date' for the transfer. This will be displayed on the manage transfers screen for reference. Either type in the date or use the calender icon to select a date.

    2. Next click on the Ship button to proceed return shipping the transfer.

    1. You will then be returned to the manage transfers screen.

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The functionality on the Ship Return Transfer screen involves reviewing the transfer information and then return ship the transfer.



When you click on the Ship button your return will be shipped and you will be returned to the manage transfers screen.

When you click on the Cancel button you will be taken to the previous screen you were at. Any changes you have made will not be saved.

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