Manage Transfers Screen


The manage transfers screen is used to create, edit, receive, return, and restock pending or complete outbound, inbound, and historic inventory transfers through the system.

 Information Provided

This section displays inventory transfers made between your organization and another organization. Transfers are listed in either the Outbound Transfer section, the Inbound Transfer section, and the Historic Transfer section. The following steps go over how to view transfers:

    1. The table 'Transfer List' is displayed on the screen.

    2. Here the 'Outbound Transfer', 'Inbound Transfer', and 'Historic Transfer' sections are displayed. Below is an explanation for each type of transfer:

      • Outbound Transfer - Displays transfers that are outbound from your organization. Outbound transfers can also include returns on an order or transfer if there was an issue with the inventory received.

      • Inbound Transfer - Displays transfers that are inbound to your organization. (Transfers are created every time an order is filled, whether full or partial.)

      • Historic Transfer - Displays completed transfers.  For example, a transfer sent to your organization has been received and accepted. You can enter a date range for viewing historic transfers. The date that the report is run is always the date the transfer was last updated, i.e. when it was accepted or restocked.

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This section explains the descriptions for all of the fields contained within the 'Transfer List' tables.

    1.  Field Name


      Create Date

      This field displays the transfer or order create date. (For transfers, this will be the date the transfer was created. But for orders this will be the date the order was filled.) Clicking on this link will take you to various status screens for a transfer or order depending on a number of different variables. Read the Transfer Link Logic help screen if you would like to know more about how this works.


      This field displays the type of inventory transfer that took place. One of three types will display:

      • Transfer: Active vaccines are transferred. This field has no functionality for transfers.

      • Order: An vaccine order took place. Orders will only create transfers when the order has been filled, whether partial or full. Clicking on the link will display the View Order screen.

      • Rejected: A transfer or order was rejected by the receiving organization. For transfers there will be no link. But for orders, clicking on the link will display the View Order screen.

      • Return: A return Request is transferred from the provider organization to the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare (IDHW)/McKesson site.  Return Requests will get transferred after they have been exported to VTrckS.  Clicking on the link will display the View a Request screen.


      This field displays the ID of the Order or return Request.

      Sending Org: Site

      This field displays the organization and site within the organization that sent the inventory. NOTE: If the name of the organization and site are exactly the same, only the name of the organization will display.

      Receiving Org: Site

      This field displays the organization and site within the organization that receives the inventory. NOTE: If the name of the organization and site are exactly the same, only the name of the organization will display.

      VFC PIN

      This field displays the VFC PIN number for the sending or receiving organization or site.

      Ship Date

      This field displays the date that the transfer was shipped. This date is set by the sending organization through the Ship Transfer screen.

      Receive Date

      This field displays the date that the receiving organization accepted the transfer. This date is set by the receiving organization on the Receive Transfer screen.

      Return Date

      This field displays the date the receiving organization; in the event of a rejection, returns the inventory back to the sender.

      Restock Date ***

      This field displays the date the original sending organization; in the event of a rejection and return from the receiving organization, restocks the transfer items back into their inventory.

      ***This column only displays for historic transfers.

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In addition to viewing the 'Outbound Transfer' and 'Inbound Transfer' you can also view historical transfers. Historic transfers are transfers that have completed all transfer steps.  They have either been accepted or rejected, returned and restocked. Read the following steps to view historical transfers for your organization.

Note: The historic transfer date is based upon the last time the transfer was updated.  It could be the date when the transfer was accepted or restocked.

    1. The table labeled 'Historic Transfer' will display any transfers that have been completed. This would include transfers that have been accepted, rejected, and restocked. The historic transfer display fields are described above.

    2. By default, a range of one week is used to display current historical transfers. To modify that date, continue onto number three.

    3. Enter a "From" date or use the calender to select your "From" date.

    4. Enter a "To" date or use the calender to select your "To" date.

    5. Click on the Refresh List button to refresh the table with the date range you entered.

    6. The screen will refresh with your new historical transfers displayed.

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The functionality on the manage transfer screen involves either creating a New Transfer, modifying or viewing an existing transfer through different screens, depending on what step the transfer is on.




When you click on the New Transfer button, you will be taken to the New Transfer screen. Here you can enter information for a new inventory transfer.


When you click on the Cancel button, you will be taken to the previous screen you were at. Any changes you made will not be saved.


When you click on the Refresh List button, you will refresh any historical transfers listed.

Create Date

When you click on the Create Date link you will be taken to various status screens for a transfer or order depending on a number of different variables. Read the Transfer Link Logic help screen if you would like to know more about how this works.

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