View a Request Screen


The View a Request-Funding Source Public screen displays detailed information about a wastage or return Request.  This read-only screen lists all the vaccines included in the Request and provides information about the status of the Request.  

 Information Provided

The View a Request-Funding Source Public screen is broken into four sections: View a Request, Contact Information, Wastage/Return Information and Request List tables.

The View a Request-Funding Source Public section displays the status of the Request and gives information about the user who created the Request.

 Field Name



Status of the Request.  The complete list of Request statuses is described in the Manage Wastage and Returns file.

Submit Date

Date when the Request was created.  

Submitted By

User who created the Request.  

Phone Number

Phone Number of the user who created the Request.   


Email address of the user who created the Request.  

Deny Comments

If the Request was denied, the Deny Comments will be listed.  Deny Comments list the reasons why the Request wasn't approved.

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The Contact Information section provides data about the organization's details such as VFC PIN and Delivery Address, and the contact person selected during the request creation.

 Field Name



Organizational affiliation of the user who created the Request.  


VFC Pin number of the organization.


Physical address of the organization. 

Contact Person

Organization's contact person selected during the request creation.

Phone Number

Phone Number of the selected contact person.

Fax Number

Fax number of the selected contact person.


Email address of the selected contact person.

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The Wastage/Return Information section provides general information about the Wastage or Return Request.

 Field Name



Request Type - either Wastage or Return. 

Return Type

Return Type - either Return Only or Replacement


Reason for returning a vaccine or recording a vaccine wastage. 


Free-form text that provides more information about why the vaccine was returned or wasted.  The Explanation field is divided into two sections:  Provider Comments and State-Level User Comments.

Provider Comments

Free-form comments from the provider about why the vaccine was returned or wasted.

State-Level User Comments

Free-form comments from the state-level user about why the vaccine was returned or wasted.

Number of Boxes

Number of boxes that will contain the return vaccines.  The number can be from 1 to 10.

Shipping Label

Shipping Label for the return vaccines - either email, mail or pickup.


Indicates whether the state-level user auto-approved the vaccine list in the Request.


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The Request List provides details about the vaccines that were selected for return or wastage.  In addition to listing such vaccine details as the NDC and expiration date, the Request List tells the number of doses that a provider wanted to return or record as wastage, and the number of doses that a state-level user allowed to be returned or wasted.  The Request List also gives details about denied vaccines:  If a state-level user decided that the doses should not be returned or wasted, the number of doses denied will be listed along with the reasons for denying them.        

 Field Name


Trade Name

Trade Name of the vaccine doses to be Returned or Wasted.


Name of the vaccine to be Returned or Wasted.


Manufacturer of the vaccine to be Returned or Wasted.


NDC of vaccine to be Returned or Wasted.


Description of vaccine to be Returned or Wasted.

Lot Number

Lot Number of the vaccine to be Returned or Wasted.

Exp Date

Expiration Date of the vaccine to be Returned or Wasted.

Quantity to be Returned/Wasted

Total number of vaccine doses requested for return or wastage by the person who created or modified the Request.  

Approved Quantity

Total number of vaccine doses approved for return or wastage by the state-level user.

Denied Quantity

Total number of vaccine doses denied for return or wastage by the state-level user.

Deny Comments

If any requested vaccine doses were denied, the Deny Comments will be listed. Deny Comments list the reasons why the requested doses were not approved for return or wastage.


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This functionality button is on the View a Request screen:



The Return to List button will return you to the previous screen. If you came to the View a Request screen through Manage Wastage and Returns, you will return to the Manage Wastage and Returns screen.  If you cane to the View a Request screen through Manage Transfers, you will return to the Manage Transfers screen.

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