Show Transaction Report Screen


The Show Transactions Report screen is used to request a report of vaccine lot track records for all quantity-changing events that occur within a provider organization's inventory.

 Information Provided

The information provided contains the information on how to run the transaction report and the results that are displayed, as well as how to properly read them. Read below to learn about running an inventory transaction report.

Transaction Type


Anonymous Dose

Select this option to view transactions where doses were subtracted from inventory due to immunizations having been given to an individual whose immunization history is not maintained within the IRIS.

Doses Reconstituted

Select this option to see how many doses were taken from the dry form of Dryvax lots and mixed with diluent for administration to patients. These transactions are always negative because they are subtractions from the original dry lots.

Doses Restocked

Selected this option to view transactions where rejected doses were returned to the sending organization and restocked.

Doses Returned to Distributor

Select this option to view transactions where doses were returned to the vaccine distributor.

Doses Transferred

Select this option to view transactions where you transferred doses out of your inventory to return to the state or to transfer to an external site.

Doses Wasted

Select this option to view transactions where there was any vaccine waste for a particular lot. For example a patient moved suddenly when the vaccine was being given and that dose was wasted.

Error Correction

Select this option to view transactions where you made any errors in entry. For example you entered 100 instead of 10 for the quantity.  This will include Error Correction (Add) and Error Correction (Subtract) transactions.

Immunization Given

Select this option to view transactions where an immunization from inventory was given or deleted

Receipt of Inventory

Select this option to view transactions for new inventory entered or inventory entered into an existing lot with the same lot number and expiration date.

    1. Next select a funding source (private, public, all funding sources) from the 'Funding Source' pick list.

    2. Next select a vaccine name from the 'Vaccine Group' pick list.

    3. Next select a trade name from the 'Trade Name' pick list.    Trade names for vaccine lots in your inventory will be included in the trade name list.

    4. Next select a single vaccine lot number from the 'Lot Number' field. Lot Number is optional.  Leaving the Lot Number field blank will include all lot numbers that meet the selection criteria.     An asterisk can be used as a wild card search.  For example ABC* will return lots that begin with ABC.

    5. Select the Report Type for the output.  You have the option of generating the report in Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet or Adobe PDF.    Excel is selected as by default and contains the most information.

    6. Click on the Generate Show Transaction Report button to generate the report.  You have the option of entering a report name in the 'Enter a Report Name' field or leaving it blank.

    7. You will be routed to the Show Transaction Report Request screen to view the report request.     As the report generates you can navigate to other screens in the application or close your browser.    To view output at a later date, click on the Show Transaction Report button at the bottom of this screen.

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Clicking on  the Generate Show Transaction Report button will take you to the Show Transaction Report Request screen.

Clicking on the Show Transaction Report button will take you to the Show Transaction Report Request screen.

Clicking on the Return to Manage Inventory button will take you to the manage inventory screen.



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