Manage Sites Screen


The manage sites screen is used to enter new and update existing sites listed within your provider organization. Any sites entered on this screen will be available for selection when entering a patient immunization on the Pre-select Immunization screen or generating a patient-level report from either the request new patient form screen or the Reports Available for Patient screen. Only users with the Administrator role can access the manage sites screen.

 Required Fields

Field Name


Site Name

This is the name of the site that will be listed for selection when entering an immunization or generating a report. *Note*

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  1. Select a site from the 'Select a Site to edit' pick list. Or click the hyperlink for the desired site from the 'Site Listing' below.

  2. The selected site record will be displayed.

  3. Make any desired updates and/or changes to any of the information fields.

  4. Click the Save button.

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  1. Click the Add Site button.

  2. Type in the name of the site being entered. This is required.

  3. Select whether the site has its own inventory or draws inventory from another site. If the site does not have its own inventory you must select where the site draws its inventory from by selecting a site from the 'Draw Inv From' pick list. *Note*

  4. Enter any other information available for the site.

  5. Click the Save button.

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  1. Select a site to delete from the 'Select a Site to edit' pick list. Or click the hyperlink for the desired site from the 'Site Listing' below.

  2. Click the Delete button.

  3. Click the Ok button to confirm, or the Cancel button to stop the operation.

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  1. Click the List All button.

  2. The main manage sites screen will appear with the 'site listing' of all sites entered into the system for your provider organization.

  3. Click on a site hyperlink to view that site's information.

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This selection will affect the output of the Pre-select Immunizations screen and may require you to add inventory for a new site through the manage inventory screen.

For example, if you have just entered a new site through the manage sites screen and you indicated that the site does have its own inventory, then make sure that the site does indeed have inventory through the manage inventory screen or else you may not be able to add new immunizations to any of your clients. The system will not allow a site to be added unless it has it's own inventory or draws inventory from another site.

The following message will appear if you try to add a new site that doesn't have it's own inventory, and you don't select a site to draw from: "If a site does not have inventory, you must select a site to draw inventory from."

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